Brandywine Valley Senior Softball Association Constitution & By-Laws

ARTICLE I: Association Name

Section 1. The name of this association shall be the Brandywine Valley Senior Softball Association, hereafter referred to as BVSSA.


Section 1.  The BVSSA is a competitive softball league for individuals aged sixty (60) years and older. Its purpose is to promote healthy competition and camaraderie in a safe and friendly environment.

Section 2. Tax Exempt Purpose: The BVSSA shall not be empowered to engage, directly or indirectly, in any activity that would invalidate its status as an organization exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The BVSSA identifies itself as an organization described in Section 501(c) (7) of the Code. (Internal Revenue Code § 501(c) (7) provides social and recreational clubs with an exemption from federal taxation of income derived from providing services related to its tax-exempt mission.) All references to the Code contained herein are deemed to include corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law. 

ARTICLE III: Executive Board

Section 1.  The BVSSA shall be governed by a Four Member Executive Board consisting of the League Commissioner, Gold Division Commissioner, Silver Division Commissioner, and Treasurer. Members of the Executive Board shall be duly appointed at the annual League membership meeting.

Section 2.  The Executive Board shall have complete power to manage the BVSSA’s formats, schedules, assignments, and game competition rules; to raise funds for the benefit of the League and its participants in direct relationship only to BVSSA activities, in any manner; and to perform all other necessary BVSSA functions.

ARTICLE IV: Associate Membership and Player Eligibility

Section 1. Association Membership:

(a) Players, Team Managers, and Assistant Managers shall sign annual BVSSA registration forms. Signing confirms their voluntary participation in scheduled League play, that they do so willingly and at their own risk, and that they thereby, separately, for their heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights against the League, its members, affiliates, sponsors, agents or representatives for any and all accidents, injuries, or losses suffered while competing in scheduled practices, League play, and/or in connection with any programs of the League.

(b) The Executive Board shall establish registration fees yearly. The registration fee shall be due and payable on board stipulated dates before playing in any game or pre-season outdoor practice. Once paid, fees shall not be returned, unless by approval of the Commissioner, for player withdrawal due to illness, injury, or personal reasons

 (c) Each BVSSA team shall be under the charge of a Team Manager (and in his absence, an Assistant Manager), who shall represent that team in scheduled BVSSA play and be answerable to the Executive Board.

(1) Failure of a Team Manager, Assistant Manager, or a player to comply with the BVSSA’s approved rules of
play and code of ethics:

  1. For the first offense, the individual shall be given a documented verbal and written warning by the Commissioner. The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

  2. For the second offense, not necessarily of the same actions, but of the Code, the individual shall be suspended, by a majority of affirmative votes of the Executive Board, for five (5) games for the second offense. The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

  3. On the third offense of the Code, the individual shall be indefinitely suspended, by a majority of affirmative votes of the Executive Board. The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

(2)  If the offense is egregious, the Executive Board has the right to take appropriate action.

(d) Draft Policy: Before each new season, new teams will be formed to begin the new season of play. The objective of the draft process is to achieve balance and parity among the teams in the BVSSA.

Section 2. Player Eligibility:

(a) The age requirement for eligibility of BVSSA players shall be 60 years. Players, whose 60th birthday occurs in the year of scheduled play, are considered eligible.  Exceptions must have Executive Board approval.

(b) There are no residency requirements for BVSSA Players, Team Managers, or Assistant Managers.

(c) Waiting List Players and ‘Out for the Season’ Players:  

1. Any late registrants, who seek to join the BVSSA after the close of registration, will be placed on a waiting list.

2. The assignment of a late registrant to a particular team shall be approved only by the Executive Board.

3. Late registrants, who are assigned to a team, may not play in a game until they are appropriately registered.

4. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to document when an injured player is officially ‘out for the season’.

ARTICLE V: Amendments  

Proposals to amend any portion of this Constitution may be submitted, in writing, to the Commissioner at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the regular meeting of the Executive Board or a special meeting called for that purpose. If approved by 3/4 affirmative votes of the Executive Board, a motion for approval by all BVSSA players, may be considered during the following regular meeting or special meeting. Adoption shall require 3/4 affirmative votes of the Executive Board and all BVSSA players participating in the adoption vote.

ARTICLE VI: Dissolution Clause

 In the event of the dissolution of the BVSSA, all assets and properties, which remain after the discharge of the BVSSA’s liabilities, shall be used and distributed by the Executive Board through donations to one or more 501c charitable organization of their choice.